Hemp-Infused Loose Leaf Peppermint Tea 1.5 oz Tin, 150 mgPure peppermint leaves are freshly dried to preserve the natural cooling flavor and refreshing effect. It’s a caffeine-free herbal option that brews to a clear green color, equally delightful served hot or on ice.Ingredients:Peppermint, Full-spectrum hemp extract.Infusion StrengthTeas are infused at a ratio of ~2 mg of hemp extract per 1 g of tea leaves, for ~ 10 mg per cup.Packaging SizesPeppermint tea is available in 1.5 oz Tin, 150 mg of hemp extract. All teas are loose leaf.Dosage and BrewingThe amount of tea leaves used in the brewing process will greatly affect the average dose of hemp extract in a serving of Willie’s Remedy tea. An average serving will have 10 mg per cup. Willie’s Remedy teas can be served hot or iced.