Green Roads CBD Essential Oil Roll on – Peace (Lavender) 50mg


SKU: 1208232531 Category:

Green Roads CBD Essential Oil Roll on – Peace (Lavender) 50mgTreat your body to the essence of nature‚Äôs most sensuously rich plants supported by the power of hemp-derived CBD with Green Roads‚Äô line of CBD essential oils. These oils are meant to be applied to the skin for an aromatic and calming wellness experience. Experience peace for your body and mind with Green Roads CBD Essential Oil Roll on – Peace (Lavender) 50mg.In fact, you can easily find peace any time of the day with Green Roads‚Äô CBD Lavender essential oil roll-on. For centuries, lavender has been used to ease moments of stress and relax the mind at night. This easy-to-use roll-on combines those wonderful botanical properties with 50mg of hemp-derived cannabinoid extracts to support well-being. Treat yourself to this unique, multi-sensory wellness experience whenever you feel you could use a little more peace in your life.