Medterra CBD Tincture Oil – Immune Boost 750mgFortify your body‚Äôs defenses against harmful invaders with Medterra CBD Tincture Oil – Immune Boost 750mg. Immune Boost combines a selection of natural ingredients to support immune system health, plus Medterra‚Äôs trusted CBD to help stay calm and in balance. With crucial support for your body‚Äôs first line of defense against infection and illness ‚Äî plus the added holistic benefits ‚Äî Immune Boost helps you feel your best, whatever your day throws at you.Working with medical advisors on staff, Medterra formulated the Immune Boost Drops with CBD to provide comprehensive immune system support while enhancing your ability to recover from illness. Natural ingredients with proven benefits for the immune system are combined with Medterra’s CBD, providing well-rounded support for both physical and mental well-being.REDUCE ILLNESS SEVERITYElderberry has been shown in numerous legitimate scientific studies to drastically (maybe as much as 50%) reduce the duration of viral infections (such as the cold and flu) and can also delay bacterial growth.STRENGTHEN VIRAL DEFENSEEchinacea appears to augment both innate and adaptive immunity, as well as arm NK cells, immune cells that are critical in viral defense.FRONT-LINE RESPONSEVitamin D has been shown to be important for a lot of front-line defense, and low vitamin D levels have been associated with increased risk of upper respiratory tract infections.AMPLIFY IMMUNE RESPONSEGinger Root is good at both ramping up appropriate cytokines (signals that direct the immune system) and the humoral response (the very targeted, specific response) to viral infections such as influenza.IMMUNE TARGETINGAshwagandha has been shown to perform similarly to ginger, but with a more pronounced effect on NK cells, those phenomenal anti-viral cells mentioned above.IMMUNE REINFORCEMENTVitamin C benefits front-line immunity defenders, plus a decrease in Vitamin C leads to a higher infection rate.BALANCE + CALMINGReishi Mushroom is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms, known for helping us maintain a healthy immune system, as well as its calming and mood-boosting properties.OPTIMIZE IMMUNE HEALTHLemon Balm is a fragrant herb native to southern Europe. It plays a role in optimizing immune health, digestive health, and balancing the nervous system.Servings: 30 – 1 ml servingsImmune Boost Blend 60mg*Vitamin C 35mgCBD 25mg*Immune Boost liquid drops are equivalent to 5x strength of dry herb concentrationRecommended Use: Take one serving size in the morning. Take additional serving before bed if required.