Irwin Naturals CBD Soft-Gels 15mg 60 Count (900mg per bottle)Why try Irwin Naturals CBD Soft-Gels 15mg 60 Count (900mg per bottle)? Cannabinoids are naturally produced in your body. They act on the endocannabinoid system, which regulates pain, mood, memory, stress-response, immune function, sleep, appetite, and a host of other things. Supplementing with CBD, a plant-based cannabinoid, may have a beneficial impact on this system. Each soft gel contains 15 mg CBD and 900 mg per bottle.Liquid Soft-Gel DeliveryThe nutrients in Irwin’s CBD Liquid Soft-Gels are released fast. Other forms of delivery contain binders and fillers that may cause stomach upset and offer no nutritional value. Advanced Liquid Soft-Gels provide a premium easy-to-swallow delivery system that allows the combination of Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract with nutritious oils such as Flaxseed Oil, and MCT Oil for additional nutritional benefits. Irwin Naturals didn’t stop there. Every Liquid Soft-Gel includes the special Bioperine Complex which enhances the bioavailability, absorption, and potency of many nutrients.